My name is Marion de Koning, married and mother of two adult children. I enjoy working at the Public Prosecution Service and within the municipality of Boxtel (North Brabant - Netherlands) I am active as a board member at an organization that organizes events for the residents.

Why did I start volunteering in Tanzania?
I ended up in Tanzania with a detour. It started with a tour in Sri Lanka with my family. The trip was organized by people who are very active in that country with their private foundation and they took us to their volunteer projects. Thanks to the volunteers, many children were able to get an education and learn to earn a living. I saw with my own eyes how these private initiatives made a difference for many families and children in recent years. This experience left a deep impression on me.

How did I come up with the idea for this project?
I searched the internet for an organization that deals with this kind of activity. My preference was for Africa because I had simply never been there. At one point I came across a social project in Arusha, Tanzania. I went there as a volunteer, lived with a family and helped at a primary school. During this period I got to know the Tanzanian culture up close. What an incredibly impressive experience that was! When I met Ronald Mtui, I started looking with him for what exactly is needed and to what I could contribute with my work and life experience. Ronald soon discovered that Ashari Primary School needed someone who is familiar with computers. Children with knowledge of computers have an advantage in Tanzania's tight labour market. Together with our newly established All For The Future foundation, we have taken up the plan to meet this need.

How do I support education and families?
All For The Future works closely with local volunteers such as Overa Seka Sahlber and Rhoda Shoa, because they know where the need is the greatest. This can involve both small and larger investments. Not only in people but also in material. For example, the computer lab of the primary school in Ashira was closed because many computers were incomplete and needed to be updated. Together with Ronald and Victor Kisuma, we inventoried the status of the computers and decided to repair and update them. All payments are made by me personally with receipts as proof of payment. I want the foundation to be clear and transparent and that there is no doubt or uncertainty about the finances.

How do I see the future of All For The Future?
Supporting primary schools and single mothers is just the beginning. We hope to be able to expand to several schools and perhaps also to other projects such as more education for children. They, in turn, can pass this knowledge on to the next generation. With this we hope to realize a kind of snowball effect. Finally, we would also like to collaborate with other foundations.

How can people support All For The Future?
The easiest way to support All For The Future is with a donation. Every little bit helps to continue to fund both current and new initiatives in the fields of education, medical care and economic empowerment. On our donation page you can read how you can donate and what we use your financial support for.